With COVID-19 aka the Coronavirus becoming a worldwide pandemic, the U.S. has been put under a state of emergency. President Trump and The Center for Disease Control are urging Americans to take the proper steps to stop the spread of this virus in order to protect themselves and others. Protecting the health and safety of the American public is the key during these times of uncertainty.
The CDC is urging Americans to take the proper steps to help prevent the disease from spreading. Washing your hands often is the easiest and probably the most helpful way to prevent becoming infected with the virus. Using soap and water, wash your hands for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been recently in a public place or after coughing or sneezing.
If soap and water is not available to you in these situations, using a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol will help keep your hands clean. Cover your hands completely with soap or hand sanitizer, then proceed to rub them together until they feel dry. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth altogether if possible, but especially if you haven’t been able to wash your hands recently.
Once you’ve created a routine to protect yourself, focus on protecting others from the possibility of you being a carrier of the virus without symptoms. Practice social distancing as much as possible. Avoid close contact with people. A barrier of six feet between you and someone else is optimal to avoid spreading germs. This is especially important for people who are at a higher risk of getting very sick whether they are elderly or have compromised immune systems.
If all else fails and you feel that you may have contracted COVID-19, states have set up local test centers in various cities. Many of these test centers are separate from hospitals with hopes of limiting the contact you’ll make with others while waiting to be tested. This is possible with mobilized test labs.
Test locations are only made possible with portable generators and portable power distribution units on-site. Power Temp Systems has teamed up with Total Energy Solutions to help make testing sites possible in Louisiana. Total Energy Solutions is providing generators for LEMU (The Louisiana Emergency Medical Unit) while Power Temp Systems is providing power distribution units to help power their test sites in Louisiana.
Both companies are extremely proud to be working with LEMU to help provide Coronavirus testing in Louisiana. To learn more about how to receive Coronavirus testing from LEMU, call (337) 852-8771.